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Upgrade a vSphere Distributed Switch
Right click on vDS and and click on Upgrade vDS. Mine are already on version 6.0 so I can’t upgrade but this is where you would do it.
Upgrade VMware Tools
Per individual VM while booted.
Per VM, interactive.
Using Upgrade Manager baseline (bulk upgrade)
Upgrade Virtual Machine Hardware
First check the HW compatibility of the VM, then simply just right click on the VM and select compatibility.
Import ESXi Images
Upgrade an ESXi Host using vCenter Update Manager
We will want to create a baseline so we can attach it to a host later on.
Verify the new baseline was successfully created.
Select the new baseline to attach to the host.
Scan, Stage, Remediate.
Stage Multiple ESXi Host Upgrades:
Attach the upgrade Baseline to the cluster.
Select the hosts in the cluster to upgrade.
Select the defaults if you wish or customize if needed.